Our Services

Serving the Northwest

Here at Believers Living Gospel Ministry we are now serving the Northwest. Please come worship with us online at Believers Living Gospel Ministry.org or at Youtube.com/Believers Living Gospel Ministry

Seeking Truth

We a focused and determined to find out what the Bible entails as a result We are on a quest to seek the Truth.

The Hebrew Perspective

We teach and learn from the roots and endowed by the Creator to Study to show thy self approved -2 Timothy 2:15

“But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for such the Father seeks to worship him. [24] God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”


We are Believers Living Gospel Ministry

We are a  non-denominational, innovative ministry that has been serving Washington for over 10 years. Everything  We do as a church is ordained to make a difference in our lives. We help you to grow in your faith, and make some new friends. If you have any questions about us, Please give us a call at 323-580-9664 or Email pastordorsey7@yahoo.com.

Contact Us

If You have any questions or prayer request , Please reach out Us at 




Call Us: 

323-580- 9664