About US


Welcome to the sanctuary of Believers Living Gospel Ministry! We are delighted to extend a warm invitation to explore our virtual home, where faith intersects with community and service. At Believers Living Gospel Ministry, we are committed to living out the teachings of the Word of GOD, embracing the transformative power of faith, and fostering a welcoming environment where all are encouraged to grow spiritually and connect with one another. Whether you’re seeking spiritual guidance, a supportive community, or simply curious about our beliefs, we invite you to journey with us as we seek to embody the love and compassion of YESHUA in all that we do.Thank You again for worshipping with us and may you find inspiration, fellowship, and purpose.

Our Mission

At Believers Living Gospel Ministry, our mission is to passionately live out the teachings of the Word of GOD in our daily lives and within our community. Grounded in the belief that faith is not just a set of doctrines but a way of life, we strive to embody the love, compassion, and grace exemplified by YESHUA HAMASHIACH. Through worship, fellowship, and service, we aim to create a welcoming environment where individuals can deepen their relationship with GOD, grow spiritually, and find support on their journey of faith. Committed to spreading the Good News and making a positive impact in our world, we seek to empower and equip believers to be agents of transformation in their families, neighborhoods, and beyond. Join us as we seek to be faithful disciples, living out the Gospel message in word and deed, for the glory of GOD and the flourishing of all creation.

What We Believe.

That the original Hebrew name of our Lord and Savior, is YESHUA and the original Hebrew name of our Father GOD is YAHVAH.

  •  That the Bible originated in the mind of YAHVAH (GOD)
  •  That the Bible not only contains the Word of YAHVAH, but IS the Word of YAHVAH
  •  That Holy men wrote the scriptures, as they were moved by the HOLY SPIRIT
  •  That YAHVAH has revealed himself through his Son, the Logos- The Living Word , YESHUA
  •  That man cannot know YAHVAH apart from YAHVAH’s revelation of himself to man
  •  That YAHVAH is triune; that there is but one YAHVAH 8) In the virgin birth of YESHUA
  •  In the redemptive work of MASHIACH (Christ)
  •  That salvation is provided for all men through YESHUA
  • 10. In the indwelling of the Holy Spirit evidenced by speaking in other tongues as the Spirit gives utterance. (Acts 2:4, Acts 10:44-46, & Acts 19:6)
  •  That it is the will of YAHVAH that all who believe be filled with the HOLY SPIRIT
  •  In the nine gifts of the Spirit in divine healing, in the five-fold ministry gifts as recorded in I Cor. 12:6-11, & Eph. 4:8-13
  •  That the HAMASHIACH consists of born again believers who have received YESHUA as their personal Savior
  •  In water baptism in the Name of YESHUA; Acts 2:38, Acts 8:16, Acts 10:38 and Acts 19:5
  •  In the return of YESHUA to take the Church, His body, out of the earth to meet together in the clouds; (Rapture, I Thess. 4:13-18)
  •  In the personal visible imminent return of Yeshua to set up his thousand years Kingdom; Revelation 20:4-6
  •  In the observance of the Lord’s Supper
  •  That the manifestation of love toward YAHVAH and men is a testimony of salvation; John 13:34-35, I Corinthians 13:1-8 and John 3:14-16